The worst writing advice I’ve ever seen

Winning the commonwealth writing competition is a huge deal. Thousands or maybe even millions of people compete and only one person per region emerges as a winner. So, I checked out the winners’ writing tips. All but one of them were amazing. Yet, there was one that made shivers crawl up my spine. It readContinue reading “The worst writing advice I’ve ever seen”

Will LGBTQ+ fiction ever make it past censorship

I love romance novels. Which is why I often comb the internet looking for great love stories. When I came across Will Grayson, Will Grayson, I was shocked to learn that there were people who considered it an abomination. Why? Because it had homosexual romantic themes in it. I tried looking for more LGBTQ fictionContinue reading “Will LGBTQ+ fiction ever make it past censorship”

Why you should watch book to screen adaptations

People often complain about how the movie adaptation of the novel was inferior to the novel itself. Some time ago, I came across a blogger who was upset that Cara Delevingne was cast as Margo from ‘Paper Towns.’ ‘Margo is supposed to be a curvy girl, not a Victoria Secrets angel,” the blogger said andContinue reading “Why you should watch book to screen adaptations”

Feminist reads one shouldn’t ignore

I believe in equality for all genders, which is why I identify as a feminist. Yet, equality may be something hard to come by in literature. Remember the misogyny in Peter Pan when girls are said to ‘talk to much.’ And remember when Ron Weasley says that ‘a girl going dateless to the Yule BallContinue reading “Feminist reads one shouldn’t ignore”

The best kids books that still hold us spellbound

When I was a kid, I used to love Enid Blyton books. Maybe because that’s all that was read to us. Yet, as I got older I was absolutely horrified that I read such sexist garbage. Yet, there are books that I loved as a child that still touch my heart today. Remember, R.L SteinsContinue reading “The best kids books that still hold us spellbound”

Why Umbridge is the best and most hated villain

Dolores Umbridge is the worse character that has ever graced English Literature. Yes, she outperforms Voldemort, Darth Vader and Napoleon at being despised but I want to look at what makes her such an intolerable character. The first time I read ‘The Order of the Phoenix’ I was blown away. No, it wasn’t Harry’s moodinessContinue reading “Why Umbridge is the best and most hated villain”

Does writing really pay the bills?

Are you tired of people telling you that writing isn’t a real job? Or worse that writing is just a hobby which you should put on hold? Because obviously tiny brains can’t comprehend how writing could ever earn like being a doctor or an engineer. Well, I’m going to tell you a few ways inContinue reading “Does writing really pay the bills?”

Something every writer should try

Ever heard of the term ‘writing excersize?’ Well, they’re invaluable things that strengthen our creativity. From writing prompts to free writing and even blogging, there is no end of them. Yet, I came across something that changed the way I wrote forever. It entertained and challenged me to be a better writer. It’s called theContinue reading “Something every writer should try”

Literary agents: who they are and what they do

So for those of you who don’t know, a literary agent is an intermediary who pitches your book to editors. While not all writers need one, many of us want one. Literary agents are busy people. While working with new clients, they also respond to queries of aspiring authors who would like representation. If anContinue reading “Literary agents: who they are and what they do”

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